Frequently Asked Questions about Box

What is Box at UMN?

Box is a secure, cloud-based, commercial file storage, sharing, and collaboration service.  Box at UMN is the result of a contract between Box and the Internet 2 consortium. Because the University of Minnesota is a member of Internet2, the University can take advantage of enterprise Box accounts.

What is a cloud-based service, and why is it a good thing?

Files are stored off campus at Box’s data centers.  Cloud services, such as Box, provide high-quality support, enterprise-level management, and security, as well as 24/7 up-time through round-the-clock monitoring; all at modest cost to the University. Files are stored in massive data centers featuring redundant storage, cooling, and electrical supply.

Who is eligible for a Box at UMN account?

Any current faculty, staff, or student.

How do I sign up for a Box account?

Go to and click on the “Request Account” button.  The website will then walk you through the easy account creation process.

How much storage space will I get with Box at UMN?

Each user has an unlimited amount of storage space available. However, individual files must be less than 50 Gb each.

What password do I use with my Box at UMN account?

Box at UMN is secured by Shibboleth, so each person will use their UMN internet ID (x500) and password.

What kinds of file types can I store on Box at UMN?

Most common types of files are compatible with Box. This includes office files, which you can edit online with Microsoft 365, and many image, video, and audio formats. Individual files need to be less than 50 Gb in size.

What kinds of data can I store on Box at UMN?

UMN policy doesn’t allow most kinds of restricted or sensitive data in the cloud. However, through collaboration with Box,  Internet2, and Box’s built-in security, many more kinds of data can be stored on Box at UMN. Check When Should I Use Box? for a complete discussion on what is allowed to be stored on Box at UMN.

Is health data allowed to be stored on Box?

Yes, the University has signed an agreement allowing our users to store Protected Health Information (PHI) on Box at UMN.  Users must follow some extra precautions (found here) in order to safeguard this particular kind of restricted data.

Can I collaborate with people outside of UMN using Box?

Yes, they will need a Box account from their university, business or they can obtain a free Box account at

I accidentally deleted a file from my Box account.  How can I recover it?

Any file that you delete is kept in your “Trash” for 60 days.  To recover it, click on the “Trash” link, under “Resources” on the right side of the main “Files and Folders” page within your Box account.  Find your file, click the drop down arrow to the right of the file name and then click “Restore”.  The file will be restored to its original location.

After 60 days, the file may still be recovered; however, you will have to contact the IT Service Desk ( or 1-help).  The file will be available for the Service Desk to recover for 14 additional days.

After 74 days (from the date that you first deleted the file), it will not be possible to recover the file.

I am listed as an Editor in a shared folder.  What does that give me rights to do with files?

There are seven different permission levels that can be assigned to a collaborator.  To see a table with the detail of what activities each level can perform, click Understanding Collaborator Permission Levels.

How does Box protect my data?

Box provides a variety of security measures and customizable options for data security:

How does Box compare to other places I store my data?

Box provides a storage and sharing service that meets a higher level of security than existing storage tools. Please check When Should I Use Box? for the detail.

I am no longer able to login to my Box account. What happened?

Because Box is a HIPAA compliant storage solution, there are requirements for disabling access to prevent potentially sensitive data from being accessed by parties no longer authorized to do so. This may be triggered by:

If your account is no longer available, please contact 1-HELP to determine your options on regaining access.